Testimonials from Students

very Kind words from Amazing students

Testimonials from Students
registered yoga school 200 hour teacher training rys-200

"Ashley's gift is to teach yoga...”

Ashley Thesier’s gift is to teach yoga. I was blessed to have her as my YTT 200 hour teacher at Green Locus Yoga. She promised me it would be a life changing experience for me. She made good on her promise. My life was forever changed because this talented, brilliant woman shared her gift with me. She blends her vast knowledge and experience in each of the limbs of yoga in an inspirational and down to earth way. She has the incredible ability to gently coax the very best out of you and take you deeper into your practice than you thought possible. She is supportive of every student in her class. She makes sure to spend time with every student to get to know them. Her classes are well put together and she makes sure you grasp the knowledge. Ashley teaches with heart. And, the best part is she is with you even after graduation. She’s both a mentor and friend, now and hopefully, I’ll be her student again. To once again deepen my practice and continue my journey of yoga, health, and wellness. It’s been put out to the Universe as she taught me. There’s something magical in her teaching, you simply have to experience to understand. From this experience I’ve continued my yoga journey, teaching for a while, continuing to learn, and obtaining my graduate certificate in health and wellness coaching and just about to be certified as a health and wellness coach and that is just the beginning. Yes, my life is changed. So grateful for Ashley teaching a YTT yoga course. 

-Stacy Parker

"The Individual attention every student Received was just Amazing"

“Ashley Thesier was my teacher when I took my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. She came highly recommended to me by the owner of another Yoga Studio. My YTT experience having Ashley Thesier as my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course was unlike anything I had experienced in my working life as an Insurance and Registered financial advisor. Although I knew this program was one that the studio owner Ashley had taught many times before, the individual attention every student received was just amazing. The professionalism and knowledge of every facet of yoga from Ashley’s personal experience made my journey through YTT more like a revelation of life, rather than just a “course of study.” As the oldest student in the class, and probably the oldest to ever attend a Yoga Loft YTT, Ashley, and the other students always made me feel equal to them in every way …. the fact that wasn’t as flexible as others was absolutely not important. Every facet of the course, from anatomy, meditation, asanas, chakras, breathing, etc was both explained as well as explored to gain maximum benefit. Ashley’s magnetic personality along with her knowledge of the limbs of yoga and her compassionate teaching style was amazing ….. I recommend that anyone interested in attending a YTT meet Ashley Thesier. This course also gave me an epiphany about breathing and meditation. I became so enamored with both that I went to Europe to become internationally certified in teaching Mindfulness and the formal MBSR (Mindful Based Stress Reduction) Course. Now I am a fee based provider of Yoga, Mindfulness, and MBSR at the Tampa VA Hospital to disabled veterans.”

- Rich Cohen

I Really Don’t Have Words To Thank You For Bringing All This Into My World
"I appreciated every second of YTT. As you know, I’ve always loved teaching; in my high school classroom, I cherish and honor the opportunity to teach my students whatever I can, whenever I can, whether it’s in the textbook or not. That magical “light bulb” fed my soul for many years. Now I realize that what I was doing was merely scratching the surface. Teaching yoga each week has made me realize that the person who most needs “teaching” is one’s self. I have always told my students at the end of each year that I learned more than I taught, and it’s always true – I just never realized HOW true until I started teaching yoga and meditation. You, in teaching by example, and everything we learned in YTT, opened my mind, nurtured my soul, and changed my relationship with this physical form. I’m now immersed in and living Yoga’s teachings, and new bright and deep interior worlds are opening up for me. I really don’t have words to thank you for bringing all this into my world, but I believe my gratitude can best be expressed through sharing what I learned, and please know that I do it at every opportunity – on and off the mat, in and out of class. I teach Hatha yoga with meditation and restorative yoga at a new studio in Brandon that opened its doors the week after I finished YTT – I guess that was meant to be. I also teach a weekly class at my school for our teachers, most of whom are new to yoga, but are now a vibrant sangha that is thriving, living out yoga’s benefits in every larger concentric circles around the whole school community. I also teach my lovely stressed-out students the calming breathing and stretching techniques that help them center. It’s not uncommon to hear in my classroom, “Hey Mrs. Farrell, can we do some yoga before this quiz/test/project?” Blessings to you always for opening so many doors, and providing the tools to not only live a vibrantly changing life myself, but to share that gift with so many others. With much love"

- Peggy Farrell

I Really Don’t Have Words To Thank You For Bringing All This Into My World
"I appreciated every second of YTT. As you know, I’ve always loved teaching; in my high school classroom, I cherish and honor the opportunity to teach my students whatever I can, whenever I can, whether it’s in the textbook or not. That magical “light bulb” fed my soul for many years. Now I realize that what I was doing was merely scratching the surface. Teaching yoga each week has made me realize that the person who most needs “teaching” is one’s self. I have always told my students at the end of each year that I learned more than I taught, and it’s always true – I just never realized HOW true until I started teaching yoga and meditation. You, in teaching by example, and everything we learned in YTT, opened my mind, nurtured my soul, and changed my relationship with this physical form. I’m now immersed in and living Yoga’s teachings, and new bright and deep interior worlds are opening up for me. I really don’t have words to thank you for bringing all this into my world, but I believe my gratitude can best be expressed through sharing what I learned, and please know that I do it at every opportunity – on and off the mat, in and out of class. I teach Hatha yoga with meditation and restorative yoga at a new studio in Brandon that opened its doors the week after I finished YTT – I guess that was meant to be. I also teach a weekly class at my school for our teachers, most of whom are new to yoga, but are now a vibrant sangha that is thriving, living out yoga’s benefits in every larger concentric circles around the whole school community. I also teach my lovely stressed-out students the calming breathing and stretching techniques that help them center. It’s not uncommon to hear in my classroom, “Hey Mrs. Farrell, can we do some yoga before this quiz/test/project?” Blessings to you always for opening so many doors, and providing the tools to not only live a vibrantly changing life myself, but to share that gift with so many others. With much love"

- Peggy Farrell

More Testimonials from Students to come! Click below to learn more about Yoga Teacher trainings!